Every registration receives our full 2024-2025
Emerge, Plan, Envision Creative Discipline
Printable or Digital Book

We Crafted These Workshops Over A 10-year Timespan... Because We Were Tired Of Being Messy.
We Were Tired Of Everything Feeling
Overwhelming And Overly Complicated.
This is how we found our clarity.
Emerge & Envision- General Admission
Embark on a transformative journey with Studio Luna's Emerge & Envision Workshop: Rituals for Healing. This isn't just a vision board workshop; it's a holistic experience combining embodied and somatic activities, healing rituals, and creative visioning, all set in a nurturing and supportive environment. Meaning, what are you waiting for? This was built for you!
Emerge & Envision - VIP Experience
💰 Registration Details: General Admission: $35 | VIP Experience: $75 (Includes additional materials and perks)
IdeaFlow- Online
Welcome to IdeaFlow: Navigating Creative Discipline, an online workshop designed for creative minds (like yours) looking to transform and upgrade their planning process. This session is perfect for those who want to make changes FOR REAL and integrate planning into their life in a way that feels empowering, not gross and overwhelming. Get ready to redefine your approach to planning your next quarter, year, or three years with a special, playful, and mindset-shifting experience.
Brunch & Bloom- General Admission
Join us at Studio Luna for Brunch & Bloom, a vision board workshop and a special time of connection and creativity. This event is more than just a meet-up; it's a cherished opportunity to bond with old friends and welcome new ones into our circle. Together, we'll indulge in a delightful brunch, engage in a guided vision board session brimming with insightful prompts, and harness Luna's unique tools for planning and organizing your goals and intentions. Prepare for a year of abundance and breakthroughs supported by our trademark collaborative growth approach.
Brunch & Bloom- VIP Experience
Registration Details: General Admission: $25 | VIP Experience $50 (Includes additional materials and perks)
Be a part of this unique journey-- where every vision board becomes a stepping stone to a remarkable year!